Denver Direct: August 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sean Penn at DU

Sean Penn spoke at the Ralph Nader Rally at DU last Tuesday. Fortunately, Juliette Mondot was there to record it for DenverDirect.

Penn has a thoughtful and interesting premise. He believes that as the US constitution is degraded by government action, fundamentalist domestic violence will rise in opposition. Instead, he proposes, we must act first by electing a president who will uphold the constitution, and that would be Ralph Nader.

Synchronistically, I happened to have a Netflix DVD of Into the Wild, screenplay written and directed by Penn, waiting to be viewed last night. A very good movie which I highly recommend (downer alert).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC Cop Violence Vidies

I decided not to go downtown to document the demonstrations. I could see hundreds of video cameras in use in the many vidies already appearing here and there on the tubes. I figured the people would have it covered.

And they have. Here are the best of the Denver Cop Violence Vidies. I'll add as necessary.

So far....

Woman knocked to the ground

Producer arrested

Best of police stupidity
