Denver Direct: Notes from the New Drug War by Jessica LeRoux – June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Notes from the New Drug War by Jessica LeRoux – June 15, 2014

He [Hickenlooper] explained that his office has been in contact with a professor from Stanford, who is experimenting with water that works as an atomic signature for marijuana, allowing law enforcement to tell if it’s legal or not.
The goal, he said, is to make it possible that “if you pick up marijuana, you can tell if someone paid taxes or if it was contraband.”
^THIS FREAKS ME THE FUCK OUT. engineered nano water is not my idea of natural… furthermore it is in the costitution that citizens can grow, cook, share & transport their very own weed, are we gonna have to buy a specially taxed state mandated legal “grow water” now?