Denver Direct: February 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

This Just In – City Releases Documents HHNP is a PARK‏

Dear Friends,

Attached is our reply brief in the Colorado Supreme Court in support of our Petition for Writ of Certiorari.

When you read the brief (it’s only 11 pages double spaced and written in plain English), you will see that the city turned over a treasure trove of documents in discovery on February 6.

The documents show that HHNP always was considered a designated park – when the Charter was amended in 1955, when it was amended in 1983, when it was amended in 1996, and especially when the city adopted the new zoning code in 2010.

In other words, I am brimming with optimism that we will prove our case and get justice.

To all of you who have worked tirelessly to locate witnesses, donate money for court costs, and help us and encourage us in so many ways, I am truly grateful.

Warm regards,

John Case

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Audit: Colorado agencies sitting on $25.6 million beyond legal limits - The Denver Post

"The biggest offender is the Medical Marijuana Cash Fund, accounting for $12.5 million when the fiscal year ended last June. As a result, the $35 fee for a medical marijuana license dropped from $35 to $15 last month.
The fee fell from $90 to $35 in 2011, but money continued to pile up. The annual fee was $140 when licensing began in 2000."

Read more here 

[Ed. And while you are at it, cut those outrageous application fees, please.]